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'Let Us See You

APS Gallery,

Aire Place Studios,

Leeds, UK.

The artwork 'Breaking Ground', 2023 is currently on display as part of a group exhibition at Aire Place Studios on Kirkstall Road in Leeds. 

The work was previously on show at Huddersfield Art Gallery, Unit 7 in 2023.

The open exhibition opened to the public on Friday 23 February 2024 and will run until 22 March 2024.

Further details on Aire Place Studios can be found here.

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Click image to read Ferens Gallery details



'Ferens Open 2023

An annual open exhibition at

The Ferens Art Gallery,

Hull, UK.

The artwork 'District 7, 11x8, White Relief', 2022 was on display as part of the Ferens Open Annual Exhibition win Hull. 

The work was previously on show at Wakefield Cathedral in July / August 2022.

The open exhibition opened to the public on 21 July 2023 and ran until 1 October 2023.

Further details on Ferens Art Gallery can be found here.

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Click image to read exhibition introduction

'Borrow Pit

An Exhibition By

Yorkshire Sculptors Group

Huddersfield Art Gallery: Unit 7,

West Yorkshire, UK.

Members of the Yorkshire Sculptors Group responded to the theme 'Borrow Pit', a term used in construction or Civil Engineering, describing a specified location from which earthen material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel, is extracted to be used as fill at another location. 

The piece exhibited in Huddersfield is another investigation into the D7 visual language and is an expanding work that will continue to grow, increasing in size and complexity into the future. The ground has been broken, the foundations laid, and construction initiated. From this stage, it is the work itself that will oversee and determine the future progress and direction of the piece.

The exhibition opened to the public on 12 April 2023 and ran until 3 June 2023.

Further details on Huddersfield Art Gallery can be found here.

Further details on the Yorkshire Sculptors Group can be found here.


An Exhibition By

Yorkshire Sculptors Group

Wakefield Cathedral, West Yorkshire, UK.

This exhibition challenged members of the Yorkshire Sculptors Group, to respond to the interior of the wonderful cathedral in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

A single, white relief sculpture was created specially for the exhibition: 'District 7, 11x8, White Relief'. 

The exhibition opened on 16th July 2022 and ran until 29th August 2022. 

Further details can be found on the Cathedral website here.

Further details on the Yorkshire Sculptors Group can be found here.

A pdf file of the exhibition catalogue can be found here.


Click image to read exhibition introduction

Click image to view the presentation

'Raw Edge' 

An Exhibition By

Yorkshire Sculptors Group

Sunny Bank Mills Gallery, Farsley, Leeds.

This exhibition brought together multidisciplinary work by 15 members of the Yorkshire Sculptors Group, responding to the notion of boundaries and edges. 

Two pieces that formed part of the original 'Weaving Experience Into Memory' exhibition in Ho Chi Minh City were exhibited at Sunny Bank Mills: 'District 7, 3x3, Tile 3' & 'District 7, 3x3, Tile 9'. 

The current exhibition opened on 9th July 2022 and ran until 28th August 2022. 

The gallery listing can be found here: 

Further details on the Yorkshire Sculptors Group can be found here.


Click image to read exhibition introduction

IFFTI 2021- 

Fashion Resurgence: Our Time is Now.

Paper Presentation:

'Weaving Experience Into Memory': A cross disciplinary project investigating the intersection Art and Design.

This conference paper was presented jointly by Dr. Nina Yiu and Patrick S. Ford at the The International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes 2021 conference, held at the Pearl Academy, India. 

The paper presentation was delivered on day 3 of the conference, 28th October 2021, as part of the theme 'Incumbent'. 

A pdf of the full paper can be downloaded here.

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Click image to view the presentation


conversation on the theme of

'Connecting Communities'

This informal conversation, conducted in June 2021 with Dr. Nina Yiu, was part of ongoing series examining different ways of connecting with local communities and how local culture can be incorporated into education. Dr. Nina Yiu, Program Manager of Bachelor of Fashion Enterprise at RMIT Vietnam initiated a collaborative project between RMIT Vietnam and the Vietnam Women's Museum of Hanoi, during the Vietnam Festival of Media and Design 2019.

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Click image for recorded online interview

GROW 2021 

Growing Your Apparel Business

With DTG 2021

On 18th April 2021, the GROW 2021 event was held at Le Meridien Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The event was hosted by Fluxmall DTG to an assembled audience of local designers, entrepreneurs, industry representatives and students. 

After an introduction to digital printing and its many applications by Fluxmall DTG managing director Dmitry Sarbaev as well as practical demonstrations by his team using the digital printing machines transported to the venue,  a panel discussion was held that examined how the local industry and design sector have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic, and what the future may bring. 

The panel discussion was facilitated by Dmitry Sarbaev and featured contributions by:

Truong Ngoc Anh - CEO and founder of HNBMG  

Nguyen Thanh Tam - Senior Business Specialist of DuPont Speciality Products Vietnam Co., Ltd

Dr. Nina Yiu - Manager of the Fashion (Enterprise) Degree Programme at RMIT University, Vietnam

Patrick S. Ford - Artist and Associate Lecturer of Design Studies at RMIT University, Vietnam.

Click image for Introductory video

'Weaving Experience

Into Memory'

Exhibition: November 16th - 22nd, 2020

L'Usine Phu My Hung, Crescent Mall Ground Floor

(Nguyen Khác Viên Entrance), D.7, HCMC

Exhibition of artworks by Nina Yiu & Patrick S. Ford. This exhibition, part of the Vietnam Festival of Creativity and Design 2020, comprises a collection of related artifacts that have been created in response to daily life and experience in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The initial creative process began with the development of a digital print and this then provided a thread or line of investigation that in turn influenced subsequent ideas and decisions.

The further development of the initial design necessitated experiments with different materials and techniques. Each of these stags in the ideation influenced the direction and nature of the overall creative approach. 

Click image for Introductory video from Channel HTV9, in Vietnamese
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